A Future Bride Tries to Make Sense of Her Hyperactive Creativity

Friday, October 5, 2007

The Right Fit

Ok, call me crazy... but I have some new and different ideas for our wedding. Yeah I know, I thought I had it all figured out. Well, to no surprise, I didn't have everything figured out.

I found my dress last weekend. THE dress. Now that I have that, I feel like the style of the dress adds a little bit of a different feel to the wedding. Its a very princessy style, so I thought maybe we should swing that way and add things like hanging crystals, candelabras, bubbles. Don't get me wrong, I'm not about to go super cheesy and turn it into a Disney's Cinderella theme. (Although I wouldn't mind arriving in a pumpkin carriage, just to say I did it.) But my ring is princess cut so why not add a little enchantment into the evening? Mood board to come! (Man, I love those things.)

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